INF vs C9 Betting Tips (11/05/2021)

Infinity Esports will face Cloud9 on May 11th and they played their first game against each other three days before that. Then Infinity Esports dominated the beginning of the game and Cloud9 got their first kill in the 19th minute and after that C9 seem to have got their bearings and turned the game around. After slaying the Elder Dragon, C9 finally beat Infinity in an interesting match. The match will start at 19:00 CET, which is a few hours after Infinity plays against DK.

Wagering Tips for the Next INF VS C9 Match

You can bet on different betting markets for this interesting LoL match, which will decide if Cloud9 will get to keep going further or not get a chance to. Infinity Esports will be determined to beat them and will be depending on Ackerman & WhiteLotus, but it just isn't their week we suppose, because Infinity lost two of the three matches they played in Group C, for now. Right now, they are most likely to get eliminated out of all the teams in the group.

Betting on Firsts and Totals

If you want to spice up your LoL betting, you can try wagering on who will kill the first dragon or who will get first blood. Those are popular markets as well as the ones where you bet over or under specific statistics, like total kills or dragons.

Other LoL Bets

Besides betting on totals and firsts, you can also bet on how long the match will be (map duration) or if both teams will kill dragons/barons during the match. You have to check and see what types of markets your bookmaker offers for this match, and if they don't offer any of the ones we mentioned, you can always suggest them or find other bookmakers who offer these markets.